How To Choose A Laser Eye Surgery Clinic
How to choose a laser eye surgery clinic is important. It is vital to put in some research to make sure you are comparing like with like for both quality of service and cost.
According To Which? Magazine there are six areas to look out for when choosing laser eye surgery.
1. Compare Costs.
In Ireland, prices are advertised for as little as €995 to as much as €3,195 per eye. What is included varies greatly so you need to be clear that you know the total cost including all aftercare.
We believe that offering a “per eye” price is misleading since you have to have both eyes treated! Some ads are designed to make the surgery seem cheaper such as when they say as little as €35 a month but that is potentially the most expensive as it is financed with a very high interest rate over three years.
For some clinics what you pay will depend on your prescription, and a whole host of extra costs will be added, whereas for others, the price is fixed and includes everything. Please see our Ireland Pricing Guide as recently researched by an independent Irish journalist.
2. Are You Suitable?
There are some things you won’t know until you’re tested – such as whether your corneas are thick enough for laser surgery.
The suitability examination can take up to ninety minutes depending on how many questions you have. It should be carried out by the ophthalmic surgeon who will be operating on your eyes because then you can be sure he or she will be clear on what outcome you are looking for and nothing will change for you on the day of your surgery.
Some clinics will recommend lens replacement as an alternative stating that you are not suitable for regular laser eye surgery, but beware as this is potentially double the cost of laser eye surgery and in our experience is sometimes not needed.
3. Beware The Hard Sell.
Some 26% of the people surveyed by Which? Magazine (in the UK) said that they had felt under pressure to sign up, but it’s not only the hard sell that equals unethical sales practice. In particular, it is the quoting of one price but failing to tell you about all the extras you will require once you are hooked in and have completed your eye examination. This is why you need to get clear on prices BEFORE you schedule your suitability exam. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to be a little pushy.
4. Research The Risks.
Laser eye surgery is generally very safe and the majority of people will do well, with any potential problems likely to be short term.
However, some people do experience longer-term and more serious problems and as with any surgery it is important that the risks are explained to you by your eye surgeon. The risks are likely to be higher if you have a very high prescription or any specific complexities.
5. Always See Your Surgeon.
The Medical Council recommends that you see the surgeon who will personally perform your surgery before you have it. Nevertheless, this is not legislated for and so it is up to the individual clinic if they offer this or charge extra for it.
Prepare your questions, and don’t be afraid to ask for details of their training, qualifications, length of practice and results, specifically on eyes like yours. In general, the more operations a surgeon has carried out, the higher the success rate.
6. Check The Terms & Conditions Especially Retreatment.
The last thing you want is to pay for your laser eye surgery and then find out that you have to pay more for some of the aftercare sessions. Some clinics include everything and offer a long guarantee, whereas on the opposite end of the scale you may only be offered one aftercare session.
In particular, you need to be very sure that if you need further adjustment that this is included. Around 5% or 6% of laser eye surgeries do not produce the intended outcome and require a further treatment. So you should be 100% sure that you won’t be charged for any further treatments required in the first twelve months after the initial surgery.
We hope this has been a useful guide on how to choose a laser eye surgery clinic. Please do not hesitate to call us now on 01-280 9248 for more helpful advice without obligation..
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Advice Catergories
Suitability For Laser Eye Surgery
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Laser Eye Surgery Aftercare
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How Safe Is Laser Eye Surgery?
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Complimentary Guide
Guide To Choosing Laser Eye Surgery In Ireland