Laser Eye Surgery Ireland
Welcome to Butterfly VisionTired of wearing prescription glasses? Fed up with contact lenses?
There are many different reasons why people have laser eye surgery. It can be a life-enhancing procedure, often providing people with more confidence and the freedom to do things they want without the hassle of wearing prescription glasses or contact lenses and their maintenance.
At Butterfly Vision we have a long track record of providing affordable personalised laser eye surgery in Ireland. You can be sure you are getting the best possible advice and treatment because our senior consultant is a top Irish ophthalmic surgeon who has successfully performed over 10,000 refractive procedures in Ireland.
We operate a patient centred practise and believe that a patient who is fully informed is a relaxed, responsive patient, which is why we listen to you and take the time to answer your questions. Call us now on 01-280 9248 for helpful advice without obligation.
Top 3 Reasons For Laser Eye Surgery In Ireland
These are the top three reasons we hear most at our laser eye surgery clinic as to why people are interested in laser eye treatment.
1. Sport
The number one reason given is sport, especially contact sport and swimming. Glasses don’t mix with contact sports and contact lenses can become dislodged in the eye or cause irritation. People who wish to stay active by going to the gym, running, swimming or doing yoga also find wearing glasses very inconvenient.
2. Pure Convenience
Freedom from the ongoing maintenance needed with both glasses and contact lenses is enough for for some people. Not having the daily drudgery of putting in their contact lenses or keeping glasses clean, fog free and dry is sufficient reason. This is the second highest reason provided to us for patients wanting to avail of laser eye surgery.
3. Confidence boost
Many people experience a big confidence boost after laser eye surgery because they consider that their appearance is enhanced. While no one should be ashamed or embarrassed to wear glasses, many people give cosmetic appearance as their main reason for wanting to have laser eye surgery and feel it will improve their self-esteem.
The Conditions We Treat With Laser Eye Surgery
Please see the guide below for the eye conditions that we can treat in our laser eye clinic.
Myopia up to -10 D
Myopia is commonly known as short sightedness and is estimated to affect 1.5 billion people worldwide.
Myopia is a condition of the eye where light focuses in front of, instead of on, the retina. This causes distant objects to be blurry while close objects appear normal.
Other symptoms may include headaches and eye strain.
The treatment options for myopia depends on a variety of factors including your age, your prescription and your requirements.
Treatment options include:
Refractive Lens Exchange
Implantable Contact Lenses
Hyperopia up to +6D
Hyperopia is the technical term for long sightedness.
Hyperopia is a condition in which light is focused behind, instead of on, the retina. This results in close objects appearing blurry, while far objects may appear normal. As the condition worsens, objects at all distances may be blurry.
Other symptoms may include headaches and eye strain.
The treatment options for myopia depends on a variety of factors including your age, your prescription and your requirements.
Treatment options include:
Refractive Lens Exchange
Implantable Contact Lenses
Astigmatism up to 6D
Astigmatism is a type of reactive error in which the eye does not focus light evenly on the retina resulting in distorted or blurred vision at all distances.
The underlying cause is an irregular curvature of the cornea or abnormalities in the sense of the eye.
Other symptoms can include eyestrain, headaches and trouble driving at night.
The treatment options for myopia depends on a variety of factors including your age, your prescription and your requirements.
Treatment options include:
Refractive Lens Exchange
Implantable Contact Lenses
Presbyopia up to 3D
Presbyopia is a progressively worsening ability to focus on close objects such as difficulty reading small print.
The condition is caused due to the hardening of the lens of the eye, causing the eye to focus light behind rather than on the retina when looking at close objects. It is common for people from the age of 45.
Other symptoms can include headaches and eyestrain.
The treatment options has to be personalised to achieve best results and options include:
Laser eye surgery with blended vision
Corneal Inlay
Refractive Lens Exchange
Implantable Contact Lenses
We Understand It's About Trust
Your eyesight is priceless and despite the many benefits of laser eye surgery you will naturally have fears and need reassurance before you consider going ahead. This is what informs our patient-centred philosophy, and why we offer everyone a complimentary eye consultation with our senior consultant.
Call us now for helpful advice without obligation. (NOT OPERATIONAL)
Our Patient-Centred Philosophy:
A patient who is fully informed is a relaxed, responsive patient, which is why we listen to you and take the time to answer your questions.
Only a qualified surgeon should determine suitability and advise patients on treatment. This is why you will never speak with under-qualified or inexperienced staff at our clinic.
Ophthalmic surgery is a medical service and should be offered to the public in an ethical manner. This is why our pricing is transparent and everything is included. We don’t charge extra for higher prescriptions or essential aftercare.
During your video/phone consultation you can ask our sugeon any questions about suitability, outcomes, or discuss any fears you have about laser eye surgery.
Fill in the form below and we will call you back to arrange a convenient time for your consultation.
GDPR: By submitting the form above you agree to our Privacy Policy and give consent for this website store your information to arrange your consultation.
The 3 Stages Of Laser Eye Surgery
Once you have decided you want to go ahead there are three distinct and equally vital stages for a successful outcome.
Suitability Examination
The first step is to undergo a suitability examination. Approximately 10% of people are found to be unsuitable for laser eye surgery.
This examination should be carried out by a fully qualified ophthalmic surgeon - the same surgeon who is to perform your laser eye surgery.
As one size never fits all, a thorough assessment of your eyes will be carried out, and only then will your consultant ophthalmic surgeon recommend a treatment.
While most patients come to us with an idea of which treatment they want, after a consultation, eye exam and medical evaluation they often choose something different based on being fully informed.
TIP: Always make sure it is your surgeon who performs this initial examination. Then he or she will be fully accountable to you for the outcome.
Some unscrupulous clinics offer you one thing at the examination then just before surgery the surgeon tells them it may not be as originally discussed but by then you have paid and are fully committed.
Laser Eye Surgery
On your treatment day you will be required to attend with someone to accompany you and take you home afterwards, as your vision will be blurry for a few hours and not safe for driving.
Before treatment, you will see the surgeon again and he will check your eyes for a final time. Our Wavefront technology allows your surgeon to measure aberrations in your cornea’s shape and texture. He can then customise the lasers to treat these. This will improve results, including clarity of vision, ability to see at night, and ability to see contrasting colours. It also reduces side effects associated with traditional laser eye surgery.
TIP: You should never be seeing your surgeon for the first time right before your surgery. This is practise is frowned upon and the General Medical Council recommends that you consult with the surgeon who will personally perform your surgery before you have it
Laser eye surgery treatments are usually no longer than 15-minutes in total. Once surgery is complete your surgeon will conduct a final check on your eyes and confirm that he is happy for you to leave the clinic.
Essential aftercare
To ensure you get the best results, your aftercare is just as important as the laser treatment itself.
You will be given a tailored aftercare plan and your surgeon will be available at any time if you have any issues.
Generally you will have six or seven consultations after your laser eye surgery. The first will be the day after, the next a week later, then a month later, three months after that and finally after another six months. This may vary depending on your treatment and the results of the surgery.
It is very important that you attend your aftercare appointments as recommended by your surgeon. All necessary aftercare is included in our pricing until you are officially discharged.
If, during an aftercare visit, it is deemed that a retreatment is necessary in order to improve your visual results, we will provide this for you with no additional charge. Retreatment is required for around one in twenty patients and is normal for even the very best laser eye surgery clinics.